So I thought it would be fun to post some of my class assignments on my blog for all to see, along with a summary of what the assignment was. Feel free to post comments and let me know what you think.
My Favorite Beverage:
The first assignment was to photograph our favorite beverage and those who know me well enough should be able to guess. Seagram’s VO and Diet Coke has been my staple drink over the past four years and is Mary’s drink of choice as well. In this photo I tried to capture a close up of the label with the tasty beverage sitting next to it.

Something Blue:
Our next assignment was to capture something blue and of course the favorite thing in our house at the moment is “The King” from the Disney movie Cars. As you can see The King is blue, not much else to say about this one.

A Sign of Spring:
Four our last assignment we hat to take a picture of a sign of spring and with not a lot of foliage in bloom as of yet I set off on an expedition to Butler University’s campus. While there was not a lot of green there was running water which was not frozen so surly that has to be a sign of spring.

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